Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

26 Days Before Embarkation - To Spray or Not to Spray: That is the Question.

It was a scorcher today here in the North Okanagan - 34 degrees in the shade. Not that I was in the shade. Not this girl. I was working on my base tan, so I can avoid the fake and bake, which happens to be getting a lot of bad press these days.

I'm not convinced that the tanning bed is any more dangerous than smothering myself in chemical sunscreen, which I refuse to use. I welcome exposure to the sun and when it gets really hot, I drink some water, put on a hat or find some shade.

My aversion to chemical skin coverings is causing a dilemma.

The sun is the least of my worries. Now, it's all about the mosquitos.

Since West Nile virus has arrived in the Okanagan, experts are suggesting I douse myself in DEET laced mosquito repellant every time I step outside. And I spend a lot of time outside.

I hate bug spray as much as I hate sunscreen. But faced with the highly unlikely possibility of contracting an insect borne illness at home or on my cruise, I have to weigh the pros and cons. Dengue fever, malaria, West Nile virus - or – poison myself with a shot of N-Diethyl-meta-toulamide aka DEET.

What to do? What to do? The decision became clearer today when I visited the drug store to purchase hair dye, also toxic to the skin, but which has the indisputable bonus of taking 5 years off my appearance. There, in a lovely orange package, complete with a carabiner to hook the container on your belt was insect repellant that matches my favourite handbag just perfectly.


  1. But still you have this aversion to sun screen?? You'll slather your hair with toxins to take off 5 years, drink bottle after bottle of diet sodas to get your girlish figure back but yet you'll allow your skin to take on the texture of leather and add an estimated 10 years??? hmmmmm Not quite gettin' it...

  2. Hey let me know if those clip on mosuito repellants really do work? You could always attach several citronella candles atop your hat and light your way (-:
