Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Monday, August 30, 2010

20 Days to Embarkation – If the Shoe Fits

My last post generated several comments about my underwear. It's a family show, folks. I've learned my lesson; I won't mention my skivvies again.

How about those shoes, though?

I admit it. My new runners look a bit like bowling shoes, but they are so comfortable. And comfort will be paramount when I am trekking off to an archaeological site near Acapulco.

Dean and I went shopping for walking shoes on the weekend. I purchased the very first pair I tried on. Dean, on the other hand, tried on 12 pairs, eventually settled on some white trainers, and by the time we got home, had decided they weren't quite right, after all.

I find shopping very stressful, so in the interest of my sanity, I like to get the whole ordeal over with as quickly as possible. Don't get me wrong I've been doing a lot of shopping, but I haven't enjoyed it. When I find what I want in less than an hour, I consider my shopping trip a success. If it stretches into an entire afternoon, I usually quit, until I regain the patience try again another day.

I'm easily bored when shopping, and the weekend shoe excursion was no exception. Dean was still trying on shoes after 15 minutes and I started getting antsy.

“It's a pair of shoes,” I sighed, “You're not negotiating world peace.”

“They look fine.”

“They'll stretch.”

“Don't worry about it. You'll need a little extra room.”

His comfort was no longer of any interest to me. I just wanted him to pick a shoe. Any shoe. I really didn't care if he had to go barefoot.
Imagine my relief when he took a pair up to the cashier. Unfortunately, his hasty decision resulted in an ill-fitting shoe that he now has to return.

Really, I don't know why he didn't just take his time.

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