Today, we had the pleasure of watching a small black bear cavorting in the middle of our road. He or she – I wasn't about to check - was not bothered by our presence in the least.
It's not unusual to see or hear wildlife out here. Deer in the alfalfa fields are a regular morning treat. Nearby coyotes howl every night, and stroll casually across the flat farm land at dawn and dusk. Squirrels, pheasants and quail are daily visitors.
Seeing nature in action never gets old for me. I don't think there are any bears in Central America, so I can leave the bear spray at home for the house sitters.
On the cruise, I will be thrilled to take in whatever sights nature chooses to offer. More likely, whales and dolphins will make an appearance. Pelicans, storks and iguana are a certainty. But, if I could put in an order, I would request crocodiles.
My BFF said I have spent too much time in the sun and that is why I have an unnatural affection for leathery creatures. I am not speaking to my BFF today.
I think Ogopogo looks a bit reptilian – not that I've ever seen him /her. I've got better odds of seeing a crocodile in the wild than I do of catching a glimpse of our local lake monster. The American Crocodile is said to be plentiful in Costa Rica, where my cruise ship just happens to stop on Day 13, October 1.
And there just happens to be a shore excursion available that will take me to the Tarcoles River, where crocodiles are abundant and Mother Nature just might grant my wish.
If I am speaking to my BFF by then, I will send her a postcard of me and a crocodile. Hopefully, she'll be able to tell us apart.
If I were you, I'd paint a set of eyes on your flat, toned, tanned belly...that may throw your BFF off and confuse the heck out of her (-: