Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Gatun Locks, Panama Canal

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

19 Days Before Embarkation – How Hurricane Earl got his Name

Hurricane Earl has been making a name for himself in the news over the past few days.

Let me just say this, for the last time: NO, I did not know it was hurricane season in the Caribbean when I booked our Panama cruise. Having that information, however, wouldn't have deterred me. I like the idea of sailing out of Vancouver and only having to deal with one flight. Though I am looking forward to an extended summer season by traveling south in September, weather wasn't a deciding factor for this vacation.

Let's not forget that this cruise came about because of Dean's very public and inappropriate announcement of my 50th birthday last December. In order to live out the rest of his days in relative peace, the deal is, he must take me on a Panama Cruise before my next birthday – and that's coming up fast!

I have it on good authority that in the unlikely event that a hurricane is headed to the same location as me, our cruise ship can outrun it, change its course or find shelter in a storm. And I will pack my trusty rain poncho, which has kept me dry through daily rain showers in Hawaii, a torrential downpour in Ixtapa and various degrees of drizzle around the campfire here at home.

If you are planning your own cruise vacation during hurricane season and if you don't believe me, check out this excellent article about cruising and storms, by Cruise Critic. Then cruise over to this piece from CBC that explains how hurricanes and tropical storms develop and how their names are chosen.

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