These weekend work bees are getting to be a bit tedious.
It's a never ending cycle of clean / sort and clip.
Clean / sort office. Clean / sort house. Clean / sort goat pen.
Trim goat hooves. Clip dog claws. Paint my toe nails.
But this is the last work weekend for a while! In just one week we will be aboard ms Ryndam, sipping champagne and waving bye-bye at Canada Place.
We're heading to Vancouver a few days early on business. We are staying at my BFF's one bedroom apartment - on an air bed on the living room.
I only mention this sleeping arrangement to dispel rumours that may be circulating which suggest yours truly is a princess. I can rough it if I have to. I simply prefer not to. Some of you will be pleased to know I have to do some work on the ship.
I'm not swabbing the deck or doing dishes, but I still have to write my October editorial for North of 50° Magazine. The fact that I will be doing it in the lap of luxury doesn't make it any less work – honest.
Earl is waiting for you two. Fred might show up as well. Hope Georgina doesn't show up, she's real trouble. Have a good one
ReplyDeleteSo, I imagine half of what you say to be true, but tend to still lean towards the image of your air bed covered in the finest Eygptian silk, surrounded by ylang ylang candles, while Dean strokes your finest coloured locks with the expensive Mason Pearson hair brush and feeds you champagne grapes...So Indulge Darling!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for Google. I used it to try to decipher the previous two comments.
ReplyDeleteWho the heck are Fred and Georgina? At first I thought they were tropical storms, but alas, Google did not show any reference to current weather systems with those names. Maybe they are passengers on the ship. I'll keep my eye out for them.
And what the heck are 'ylang ylang' and who is Mason Pearson?
According to WideGeek, "ylang ylang (pronounced EE-lang EE-lang) is a tropical tree native to Asia, or the flower of the tree and the essential oil produced from the flowers. The tree is the Cananga odorata, and the oil is extensively used in making perfumes and in aromatherapy."
Maybe I can get me some of that at the ship's spa!
Google informed me that Mason Pearson is not a member of the ship's crew; rather Mason Pearson is a brand name of designer hair brushes! I suspect some passengers will be smuggling Mason onboard in their suitcases. I'll put my hair brush, appropriately named "Hair Brush" in my purse. I've got nothing to hide.